In the year 2011, Belluga Gourmet grouped in the network of proximity, in the region and has enhanced its presence at the national level (Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Seville, Pamplona and Toledo) and abroad, with customers in France, United Kingdom and Germany and negotiations advanced to the Japan, Romania, Czech Republic, Holland, Mexico and Canada.
In 2011, the company received the first prize of the young agrarian initiative of the Ministry of agriculture. The Ministry of the environment has certified its oil as a natural product of the Sierra Calderona. Oil selection Belluga was one of three oils of the Valencia region selected in the Flos Olei Guide among the best extra virgin oil in the world – with 84 points-. She also received the award of the Chamber of Commerce tourism and was a finalist of the IECI Award for the best innovative company in the province. In addition, oil has been certified by the designation of origin of Valence oils.
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